Competent Person Report & Expert Witness

C O M P E T E N T  P E R S O N  R E P O R T  A N D  E X P E R T  W I T N E S S
The Competent Person’s Report (CPR) is an independent technical and commercial report on the oil and gas assets of an E&P company. It is generally required for an Initial Public Offering and for material transactions such as acquisitions, takeovers and mergers. The CPR provides an unbiased and independent opinion on the technical aspects of the company and their assets, with the ultimate purpose of informing and protecting investors.

Our expert witness offer high level of specialized knowledge and skills across the E&P industry what qualifies them to present their opinion about the facts during legal proceedings and help our clients.

MPPs professionals can advise about the need for a CPR in certain situations and the values of producing CPRs relative to standard reserves/resources and appraisal reports.

A multi-disciplinary approach is usually required for the preparation of a CPR, and typically cover the following disciplines of Geology, Geophysics, Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering, Production Engineering, Facilities and Cost Engineering, Commercial and Petroleum Economics.

A key part of the CPR is the valuation of Reserves, which is usually required for the market and economic valuation for listings and sales processes.
Reserves (Proved, Probable and Possible), Contingent Resources (Low (1C), Best (2C) and High (3C) estimates) and Prospective Resources (Low, Best and High) together as well as the Geological Chance of Success will be assessed. Market valuation, economic evaluation and estimates of the post-tax Net Present Value, the forward cash-flow of the projects and certain economic assumptions, sensitivities to key economic assumptions, such as oil and gas prices, project costs, discount rates, are usually covered.

By leveraging our expertise, we deliver detailed reports that empower our clients to make informed decisions, navigate complex situations, and strengthen their positions in legal or business matters. Our commitment to excellence and the depth of our expert witness services contribute to a strategic advantage, allowing clients to confidently address challenges and achieve favorable outcomes.
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