
This page is displaying confidential medical records of our employees, validated by a QR Code/Certificate issued

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Covid Test

(Note: Only the most recent results are provided)

Surname, Name:

DR uu








Passport no. or ID card no.:




Tel. / Phone: +49 174 3489cc


Residential address:

Burj cc



Pursuant to the Regulation issued by the Foreign Office regarding measures upon entry,  this is to certify that the person named above was tested for SARS-CoV-2 by the use of NAT* (* NAT: Nucleic Acid amplification Technology)


Test result



Sampling date - time:

02.10.2022 - 08:54 (MEZ / CET)


Infection status at time of testing

 SARS-CoV-2 Direct testing:


Sample Material:

Throat swab **




 Please note: false positive or false negative results can generally not be completely excluded.

** Sample material for Japan: Nasopharyngeal swab

his report has been electronically validated on:



Dr. med. H.G. Klein, M.D.

Board Certified Specialist Laboratory Medicine

Medical Genetics, MPP-Energy LLC

Vaccination Status

(Note: Only valid results are provided)

Surname, Name:

DR Hcc








Passport no. or ID card no.:



Fully vaccinated/Valid vaccination

 This report has been electronically validated on:



Dr. med. H.G. Klein, M.D.

Board Certified Specialist Laboratory Medicine

Medical Genetics, MPP-Energy LLC

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