
F I N A N A N C E:  P R I V A T E  E Q U I T Y,  I N S T I T U T I O N A L  I N V E S T O R S  A N D  P E N S I O N  F U N D S
MPP-Energy is a leading consulting firm that provides expert guidance to financial institutions and investors seeking to make informed decisions in the energy industry. With a focus on the oil and gas and geothermal sector, MPP-Energy offers a range of services designed to help clients identify and evaluate investment opportunities, and to navigate the complex regulatory and market conditions that impact energy investments.

One of the key challenges facing investors in the energy sector is identifying the right projects and assets to invest in. This is particularly true in the oil and gas industry, where the value of individual assets can fluctuate dramatically depending on a range of factors, including production rates, reserves, and market conditions. MPP-Energy helps clients navigate this complex landscape by providing expert analysis and insights into the performance of individual assets and companies, as well as broader market trends and dynamics.

MPP-Energy assists clients in the energy industry by providing expert guidance and support in finding suitable finance solutions for their projects. Leveraging their extensive network, MPP-Energy collaborates with institutional investors, private equity firms, pension funds, and high-net-worth individuals to identify the perfect match for their clients' financing needs.

In addition to its expertise in asset and company evaluation, MPP-Energy is also a trusted advisor on regulatory issues and policy developments that impact energy investments. The firm's consultants have deep expertise in the regulatory frameworks that govern the energy industry and are well-positioned to help clients navigate the often-complex regulatory environment that can impact investment decisions.

Ultimately, MPP-Energy is focused on helping its clients make the right investment decisions in the energy sector, with a particular emphasis on the oil and gas industry. With our partners, we provide expert guidance to financial institutions and investors seeking to make informed decisions on energy investments with the upmost focus on ESG factors. Whether clients are seeking to invest in individual assets, companies, or broader market trends, MPP-Energy provides the expert guidance and insights needed to make informed decisions that align with their strategic goals and risk tolerances.

Environmental | Climate change | CCS| Energy Transition | ESG | Renewable energy | Pollution | Biodiversity | Natural resource management | Labour practices | Human rights | Community engagement | Diversity and inclusion | Health and safety | Governance | Board diversity and independence | Executive compensation | Shareholder rights | Ethics and transparency | Risk management

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