B U S I N E S S I N T E L L I G E N C E A N D B I G D A T A O N - D E M A N D
MPP-Energy have established an extensive network and deep connections within the energy and other industries and the investment world. Our strong relationships with key stakeholders, industry experts, and decision-makers enable us to facilitate strategic partnerships and connect clients with relevant resources and opportunities. This vast network also provides access to valuable business intelligence, allowing MPP-Energy to offer informed advice based on the latest market trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. By leveraging their broad network and contacts, they ensure that clients have access to the right information and opportunities to make informed business decisions.
MPP-Energy leverages their established network and deep connections within the energy industry and investment world to facilitate strategic partnerships, connect clients with relevant resources and opportunities, and provide access to valuable business intelligence based on the latest market trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes, ensuring that clients are equipped with the necessary information to make informed business decisions and achieve sustainable success in the ever-evolving energy landscape.
15,000+ global assets, including undeveloped discoveries, fiscal and regulatory terms for 130+ countries
Market & Competitive Intelligence | Strategic Planning and M&A | Innovation | R&D | Marketing | Business Development
MPP-Energy possess a comprehensive "big-data" database that encompasses an enormous amount of proprietary data, enabling them to extract valuable insights and provide data-driven recommendations to clients. MPP leverages the power of big data in the energy industry, harnessing vast amounts of information to identify patterns, predict trends, and make informed decisions. By integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into this process, MPP enables intelligent automation, automated data review, real-time analytics, and efficient resource allocation,
ultimately propelling the industry towards greater efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.
Midstream, downstream, operations and infrastructure | AI | Opportunity screening | Benchmarking analysis | Competitor intelligence
Asset economics and cost engineering | Individual country legal terms | Fiscal ratings and rankings | E&P ratings and rankings
Oil & Gas risk ratings | CAPEX/OPEX cost estimation