Sustainability & Responsibility

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y  &  R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y
At MPP, we strive to help our clients to secure and to deliver tomorrow's energy responsibly. We work hard to reduce any environmental impact and manage operations safely and responsibly. Safety and respect for people are fundamental in running a safe, efficient, responsible business, creating added value and to use resources so that the needs of future generations will not be compromised.

E T H I C A L  C O N D U C T
We operate a reporting policy which encourages all employees and contractors to report any situation where they have reasonable belief that there has been a breach, or a potential breach, in MPP’s policies or standards.

H U M A N  R I G H T S
We respect human rights as outlined in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s core convention. We also support a number of external voluntary codes that promote responsible business practices irrespectively of the country of operation.

A N T I  B R I B E R Y  A N D  C O R R U P T I O N

Whoever we may deal with and wherever we may operate, we are committed to doing so lawfully, ethically and with integrity. As part of this commitment, all forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We must not, and we must ensure that any third party acting on our behalf does not, act corruptly in our dealings with any other person. We also work on the detection and prevention of fraud and monitor and report any findings.

At MPP, we are proud of our entrepreneurial culture. We believe that the delivery of our strategy is dependent on the skills and expertise of our people. But to be on top needs more than just ability and expertise, it requires frequent and targeted training. Therefore, we focus on integrating sustainable development commitments into business planning and processes to broaden awareness and skill development. Each business unit and function identifies which employees or contractors require training to provide depth of knowledge where needed.

L O C A L  D E V E L O P M E N T
To contribute to the development of our countries of operations, we ensure that we create value and opportunities by supporting employment, training and the development of the local industry and talents.
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